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We had a great time hosting India's first Aadhaar Hackathon!
Here are the winning entries.

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A team of 3 students – Abhilash Panigrahi, Pratham Mehta and Sachin Vasista from the third year engineering programme at VIT - Vellore Institute of Technology won first place. Their Aadhaar app, "Aadhaaritory", was a healthcare application that ties an individual's Aadhaar number to his/ her electronic medical history, allows doctors to update it and is portable for the individual across various healthcare providers and geographies.

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Aadhaar Box


The second place winners were Satyendra Kumar Pandey, Tarun Rathor, Vimal Makadia and Sanketh. Their Aadhaar app "Aadhaar Box" was a cloud based document repository that can manage and share Aadhaar verified e-Documents. This digital locker can be used to store documents and Govt. certificates, and can be accessed using Aadhaar Authentication.

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True Identity


The third place winners were Charan Raj, Kiran, Nishant and Umesh. Their Aadhaar app "True Identity" used an Aadhaar based oAuth identity verification service that was projected to be built on other online identities such as LinkedIn and Twitter, similar to "Login with Facebook”. Once you login to the Aadhaar Authenticated service, your can then use that verified login with other websites that accept the Aadhaar based oAuth protocol.

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In the Media

Developers built 36 apps at first ever Aadhaar hackathon


Teams of students and coders demonstrated in 24 hours diverse programmes impacting health and livelihood issues with use of a personal identity number. India’s first ever Aadhaar-based ‘hackathon’, held in the city over the weekend, concluded with the development of 36 new applications that can make use of an individual's unique identification number to smoothly provide several social and economic services.

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Codes fly thick and fast in first Aadhaar Hackathon


A slew of initiatives, including financial support to Aadhaar-based companies, were announced at country's first hackathon, dedicated to innovating on the Aadhaar platform. The 24-hour marathon coding competition, conducted by incubator Khosla Labs and Nasscom, also announced an appstore dedicated to such applications, to be launched by the end of this month.

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Khosla Labs’ first ever ‘Aadhaar Hackathon’ sees development of 36 new apps


Bangalore-based startup incubator Khosla Labs recently held the first ever ‘Aadhaar Hackathon’ in collaboration with Aadhaar and IT industry body National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom). According to the incubator, the Hackathon attracted 1,800 applicants out of which 140 developers were chosen. The incubator trained these developers in integrating with Aadhaar and also provided them with biometric sensors to build Aadhaar applications.

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